Alternative Whiteboard Products For Writable Walls

It’s time to update your surface.

Are you looking to add whiteboard functionality to your office or classroom but don’t want to have to install out-of-date whiteboards?

Don’t worry there are plenty of whiteboard products to choose from. In this post we’ll discuss the high quality, functional whiteboard products available and help you decide which one is the right one for your area.… Read More

How To Create A Magnetic Surface In Your Workspace

Have you considered adding a magnetic surface to your workspace? Whether it’s an office or classroom, having a magnetic surface in your space can really change the way you work.

But with so many products available, how do you know which one to choose? The answer really depends on your needs and what product best fits them

So, in order to make your choice easier, we have included all of the products that could be of interest to you below.

Keep reading and see which option is the best one to create your magnetic surfaces with.… Read More

The Top 3 Modern Teaching Techniques

Traditional teaching methods favored a teacher-centric classroom model where students would learn and recite information back to the teacher. Traditional methods also assumed that all students were of the same intellectual ability.

Nowadays, educators are ditching these old ways and opting for more modern teaching techniques to further enhance and support every student’s needs.

They are much more focused on student engagement, encouraging collaboration and curiosity as well as adopting new technologies in the classroom.… Read More

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